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Food Services- Applications

If your family chooses to apply, please download, print and complete a "Curricular Assistance Materials Application form."

Snacks at school are considered ala carte and must be purchased using funds on your child's Skyward account. Please make sure funds are available, as we do not accept cash.

Only complete one application per family. The information you provide will be used to determine or prove your child's eligibility for summer EBT Sunbucks and other state or federally-funded benefits.

Factors considered in the application process are household size and total household income.

  • HOUSEHOLD SIZE is considered all persons, related or unrelated: Including parents, children, foster children, grandparents who live in your home and share living expenses 
  • The TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME is the income each household member received last month before taxes - this includes wages, social security, pension, unemployment, welfare, child support, alimony, and any other cash income.

Foster Children - In certain cases, foster children are eligible for free and reduced-price meals regardless of your income.

Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars

7th and 8th grade parents: Your children may be eligible for a college scholarship! Indiana’s 21st Century

Scholars program offers Hoosier students up to four years of paid tuition at an eligible Indiana college or
university after they graduate from high school, depending upon financial need. Apply online at