Take a look inside Merrillville Schools with Superintendent Brown and learn about the programs and facilities we offer students.
More videos will be added, so check back soon!
Did you know Merrillville High School has a Robotics Team? Superintendent Nick Brown talks with MHS Teacher Charles Seligman about pre-engineering, architecture and robotics opportunities that give students a head start when they graduate high school. |
Learn more about Merrillville High School's Junior Air Force ROTC program, as Superintendent Nick Brown interviews instructor SMSgt Dan Wrasman and Major John Robinson. |
Have you heard of PNN? Superintendent Brown talks with educators Brian Past and Josh Harvoth about radio and television programs and classes, and what students learn and experience. |
Have you seen all our cool, custom Piratewear? Superintendent Brown talks with MHS Graphic Arts Educator Kenny Smith about running the Pirate printing business, his programs and classes, and what his students learn and experience. |
Superintendent Brown talks with Mark Danielson, MHS director of bands, about all of the band opportunities students have and what they experience and learn in his music classes and programs. |
Superintendent Brown talks with Joe Sokol, MHS welding educator, about what students learn and experience in his classes and how welding can prepare students for life after high school. |
Superintendent Brown interviews Alison Skertic, MHS English/journalism educator, to talk about the student newspaper, yearbook and the Mock Trial Club. |
Superintendent Brown talks with Jim Johnston, MHS automotive technology instructor. Learn more about MHS automotive classes and what students experience and learn. |
Superintendent Brown talks with Terrell Taylor, MHS building trades instructor. Learn more about MHS construction classes and what students experience and learn. |
Superintendent Brown interviews Director of Building & Grounds Greg Griffith to learn about how our buildings are prepared and maintained for students and staff. |
Superintendent Brown interviews MHS Choir Director and Performing Arts Department Head Melinda Reinhart to learn more about MHS theater, band, orchestra and choir programs. |
Superintendent Brown interviews MHS Co-Athletic Directors Janis Qualizza and Amy Beckham to learn more about the athletic programs and facilities. |